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avalokitesvara’s way
观音得道  detail>>
阿缚卢枳帝湿伐逻 观音菩萨 观自在菩萨 菩萨像 梵文字源  detail>>
a little avalokitesvara
观音今年十二岁  detail>>
arya avalokitesvara
阿黎耶阿缚卢枳多伊湿伐罗  detail>>
avalokitesvara bodhisattva mahasattva
观自在菩萨摩诃萨  detail>>
horse-necked avalokitesvara
马头金刚  detail>>
a way
方式  detail>>
and if there is a way
而若有个方法  detail>>
as as if the way by
方式手段  detail>>
be in the way
碍事的 碍手碍脚的 挡路,妨碍  detail>>
be on the way
就要出台 就在途中  detail>>
by the way
可缩略为 顺便(说),附带地说 顺便地,附带地说说 顺便地;附带说说 顺便说/顺便问一下 顺便说/问一下 顺便说(问) 顺便说;顺...  detail>>
by way
经由  detail>>
by way of
经过,经由,通过...方式 经过经由 经过,经由,通过…方法 经由,通过…方式 经由,经过…方式 经由,经过;通过…方式 经由,途径,取道&...  detail>>
in a way
从某点上看,在某种程度上 从某种程度上,从某一点上看 从某种程度上说 从某种意义上说 挡道的,妨碍人的;在场 就某种义来说 就这样 ...  detail>>
in no way
决不,无论如何 无论怎样也不……  detail>>
in on way
一点也不;决不  detail>>
in such a way
这样  detail>>